Moving Large Trees: What You Need to Know

When it comes to moving large trees, there are a few key factors to consider. Typically, a homeowner can safely move a tree with a diameter of 2 inches or less within their own yard. However, larger trees can be moved with the help of tree shovels, cranes, and other specialized equipment. The cost of moving a tree depends on its size, the distance it must travel, and the topography of the site.

Preserving as much of the root system as possible is essential for successful transplanting. A good guide is 25 to 30 centimeters for every 2 centimeters of trunk diameter. Trees that grow outside our nursery with a caliber of up to 400 mm and 15 meters can be transplanted with our largest tree shovel. Our experienced team can lift trees and palm trees that exceed these specifications with specially designed tree lift racks and mobile equipment.

The timing of transplanting is usually done during the dormant season, such as fall or winter. Different trees have some preferences and local climatic factors, such as annual rainfall patterns, snow cover, and frozen ground, should also be taken into account. It is also important to evaluate the new location to ensure that it is suitable for the specific tree being moved. Root pruning encourages new roots to appear near the tree, within the area of the root ball that will travel with the tree.

Digging properly sized planers during the dormant season and watering properly before and after transplanting is extremely important to reduce tree impact, decay and death. Transplanting mature trees 10 years or more grown outside the ETT nursery requires root preparation for a period of time. The cost of moving or transplanting large trees is hard to guess without first considering some key factors. The trees are shipped from the nursery on semi-trailers equipped with cranes to assist with loading and unloading.

The hydraulic blades of the tree spade encircle the tree, cutting the roots as they dig into the ground. Preserving a tree is often desirable for homeowners who value it so much that they do not want to see it damaged or felled. A transplanted tree can take several years to fully recover, so be patient, take care of it, and hopefully it will provide you with years of enjoyment.

Bart Preti
Bart Preti

Hipster-friendly travel trailblazer. Wannabe pop culture fanatic. Devoted tv scholar. Passionate pop culture scholar. Devoted bacon expert. Avid coffee lover.

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